An Award-Winning Reporter, Freelance Writer and Book Author
Norah Machia, a former award-winning newspaper reporter, spent 20 years writing about health and human services for the Watertown Daily Times (N.Y.) before joining the Northern New York Magazines as a regular contributor. As a freelance writer, her work has appeared in numerous local, regional and national publications, including the Humanities magazine, published by the National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington, D.C.
She earned a bachelor’s degree in Communications and Health Policy Studies from Syracuse University. Norah has taught as an adjunct instructor at Jefferson Community College in Watertown, N.Y., and written for the college’s publications and website. She has received two Associated Press Writing Awards, and her work has been honored by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the New York State Developmental Disabilities Policy Council.
Her most recent book, Celebrating Their Lives - Turning the Loss of a Loved One into a Legacy for Helping Others (Highpoint Life Publishing 2021), offers 14 uplifting and inspirational profiles of families who suffered tragic losses, yet sought meaningful ways to honor the lives of their loved ones by showing tremendous acts of kindness and compassion as they faced the grieving process.
Norah is also the author of Tug Hill - Shaping the Future of the Region, (Blue Line Book Exchange), a book written for the New York State Tug Hill Commission describing the agency's established partnerships with the many rural communities it serves, and the unique and vast natural resources of the 2,100 square-mile area.
Awards and Honorable Mentions
Writer's Digest Annual Writing Competition 2019
Honorable Mention Memoirs/Personal Essay Category
"Love on Track - A Force Greater than Dementia."
Rotary International Foundation Paul Harris Fellow 2001
Working to further improve relationships among people worldwide
American Academy of Pediatrics Certificate of Commendation 1994
Outstanding reporting on child health issues
Associated Press Writing Award 1990
Second Place
Documenting the struggles of teenage parents
"Children with Children"
Associated Press Writing Award 2005
First Place, continuing coverage of Quick Draw Scandal
Honorable Mention, "All Bets Are Off"
New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council Achievement Award 1995
Outstanding coverage on issues facing developmentally disabled individuals and families
Jefferson County Association Mental Health Media Award 1990
Recognition for exceptional coverage of mental health issues in the community